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Workers' Compensation Medical Accessibility Study

This survey is currently only available to injured workers who filed a workers' compensation claim in 2020. If you received notification of the study but no longer have the survey link, please request a link below.

If you received a post card about a Workers' Compensation Medical Access Study and would like to speak with someone directly, please call 717-963-8830 or email


Who is the study sponsor?


The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) is the survey sponsor.


Why is FieldGoals conducting this study?


The Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act is the state law established to protect individuals who have sustained or aggravated injuries on the job or who have developed an occupationally related illness. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) is required by the Workers’ Compensation Act to retain the services of an independent consulting firm to perform an annual accessibility study of healthcare services for injured workers. Pennsylvania’s workers’ compensation law aims to ensure access to quality care as well as cost containment.


How will my responses be used?


The Medical Accessibility Study collects data from injured workers, healthcare providers, and insurance companies in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to consider the effects the current fee schedules and utilization of provider panels may have on access to quality care and lost days from work. Your response to the survey will be used in aggregate - meaning no responses will not be directly attributable to any individual. The combined data will be used to improve the care provided to injured workers in Pennsylvania.


Will the information be shared with my employer, workers' compensation insurance carrier, or healthcare provider(s)?


Individual survey responses are not shared with employers, insurance carriers, or healthcare providers. Your participation will not affect your current or future claims in any way. FieldGoals.US is an independent research firm and follows best practices in accordance with the Insights Association and the Association for Public Opinion Research.


Is there an incentive for participating?


There is no monetary compensation for participating, but your candid responses will improve the services offered to injured workers in Pennsylvania.


Who is the study sponsor?
Why is FieldGoals conducting this study
How will my responses be used?
rrent or future claims?
Is there an incentive for participating?
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